National Indoor Environmental Testing

Private Well Owners and Water Quality Testing

In the USA, many large or agricultural properties will have their own private well. This can be a very convenient asset, providing a consistent supply of water that can be used for gardens, lawns, and supplying water for animals, among other things. However, wells are not immune to groundwater contamination. In this article, we will look at why private well owners may want to invest in water quality testing.

How often should I test my well water?
The NGWA (National Groundwater Association) suggests that well owners should have their water tested once a year. The tests undertaken should include those for bacteria, nitrates and other contaminants of concern to your property and wells locality.

However, the NGWA also specifies that if certain circumstances arise, testing should be undertaken before the groundwater can officially be deemed as safe once more. The following is a list of those circumstances:

What factors can impact my well water?
There are a variety of factors and contaminants which could render your well water harmful. A lot of these factors can be highly dependant upon your location. To learn more about these, you should contact your local health/environmental health department for their latest information and recommendations to specified testing. However, in general, some of the common factors which can impact your well include:

It is important to remember that not all locations will have issues with arsenic or radon, or indeed, some of the other potential issues mentioned in this article. This is why regular testing of your well water, along with consultation with your environmental health department, is your best strategy to ensure your well water is safe for use and consumption.